Posts Tagged ‘getting rid of head lice’

Head Lice Education 101

A lice infestation (pediculosis) can make you feel like your head is crawling with a million lice. But the number of lice usually found on a person’s scalp is actually very small. It can be hard to see head lice, let alone count them. But estimating the breadth and duration of an infestation can help…

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Head Lice DNA Can Reveal Details About First Americans

Head lice have been constant, if unwanted, human companions for as long as our species has been around. Evidence of this ancient connection includes a 10,000-year-old-louse found on human remains at an archaeological site in Brazil and an inscription on a 3,700-year-old ivory lice comb that might be the oldest known sentence written with an…

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I am a 45 year old mom and so embarrassed I have head lice!

No need to be embarrassed at all! Head lice do not hop, jump, or fly. They have six legs and only crawl. You get head lice from another person.  Lice do not know age, income, ethnicity, gender, what you do for a living, if you have had lice before or not. All they care about…

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5 Head Lice Facts

Head lice has many myths, stereotypes, and causes shock and disbelief for many. No one wants head lice, never thinks it will happen to them, and never happens at a good time. Here are 5 Head Lice Facts You Need to know. 1) Head lice is the second reason children miss school, behind the common…

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Treating Head Lice: Making an Informed Choice

Did you just discover someone in your family has lice? Maybe you know a family member has lice and you have been trying to treat it yourself for a while but the infestation continues? Products to treat lice range from over-the-counter (OTC) treatments, to prescription treatments, to a professional lice removal treatment offered at our…

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Head Lice Life Cycle

Head Lice Stages Head lice are human host parasites that live on the head of humans and only humans. They feed on the blood of the human scalp and they do not live on pets. They need to take a blood meal about every 2 to 3 hours. They crawl down off the hair shaft…

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How to Prevent Head Lice

The best way to prevent head lice is to stay away from people that have head lice.  But it is pretty difficult to know if someone had head lice.  So the next big thing is to just avoid head-to-head contact.   Lice cannot fly. They cannot jump. They cannot swim.  But they are very good crawlers.…

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Lice Combs

Lice combs have been around for tens of thousands of years. For example, they have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs.  Lice combs don’t kill lice but they remove them and they can be very effective in removing head lice. There are basically two different types of lice combs. Plastic combs have short, closely spaced…

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