What are the signs and symptoms of head lice?

What are the signs and symptoms of head lice?

  • Seeing bugs-that is the easiest one. If you see bugs crawling in the hair than it is almost certain the person has head lice
  • Finding lice eggs (nits). You are looking for a needle in a haystack as they are the size of a sesame seed and do not move. However, they are typically glued to the hair strand and very hard to take off which is why the eggs are called nits. Also, since an adult-lice lays 6-8 eggs a day for almost 20 days, it is very rare to just see one egg. You will typically see many eggs stuck together.
  • Itching/Scratching scalp-is a strong sign of lice as it is an allergic reaction to the bugs sucking blood from the scalp. However, if a person is not itching it does not mean they do not have lice. Only 40% of the people that have lice itch but 60% do not.
  • Crawling sensation. Often times it is a challenge to see the adult lice on your own hair. Also, lice eggs are so small and do not move you may not see those either. Sometimes you might not itch when you have lice but lots of bugs crawling around means you may feel them crawling.
  • Swollen lymph nodes (many people call “glands”) in the neck. Lice like to live on the crown of the head and nape of the neck where it is warm.