Yes, Moms Get Lice Too!

Lice do not hop, jump, or crawl. They have six legs and only crawl from hair strand to hair strand.  50% of the people we treat are children ages 3-17 but the other 50% we treat are adults, usually moms. Lice is spread by head-to-head contact. 50% of the people we treat are children ages 3-17 but the other 50% we treat are adults, usually moms.   Lice do not hop, jump, or crawl. They have six legs and only crawl from hair strand to hair strand. Here are five reasons why so many moms get lice when their children get lice and why we treat so many moms. 1) For children under 12, many children at this age are still snuggling/sleeping next to their mom,  making it easy for the lice to grab on to mom’s hair  2) Mom’s like to hug their children, making it easy for the lice to grab on to 3) Moms with longer hair are easier for the lice to grab on to 4) Mom’s like to take photos and selfies with their children, making it easier for the lice to grab on to 5) Moms will often try to comb out the head lice by themselves. Ironically enough, while combing out their child’s hair, mom’s hair is dangling making it easy for the lice grab on to. Even if mom is able to get rid of the lice on her children, combing out your own hair is a huge challenge since lice like to live on the crown of the head and behind the nape of the neck. That’s where we come in. Our professional head lice removal will get you lice free in about 1 hour.