Posts Tagged ‘lice removal’

Head Lice DNA Can Reveal Details About First Americans

Head lice have been constant, if unwanted, human companions for as long as our species has been around. Evidence of this ancient connection includes a 10,000-year-old-louse found on human remains at an archaeological site in Brazil and an inscription on a 3,700-year-old ivory lice comb that might be the oldest known sentence written with an…

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Brief History of Head Lice

Beginning somewhere around 13 million years ago, specific species began to evolve to affect only humans. Pediculus lice are among oldest human parasites and have a long history of association with humans. They accompanied early Homo groups as they migrated out of Africa. As such they represent good markers for tracking human history. About 42,000 to 72,000…

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How To Choose A Lice Comb

How to Choose a Lice Comb In This Article: Do Electric Lice Combs Work? Which Kind of Head Lice Comb is best? When to use a lice comb What are you looking for? When should you see a Doctor for head lice? Life can get pretty hectic when your child has lice, so the last…

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Head Lice vs Dandruff

How to tell the difference between lice and dandruff Lice are easy to confuse with dandruff, which is a very common problem. While lice are a temporary infestation, dandruff is a chronic skin condition. Every year, 6 to 12 million children in the United States get head lice. Most are children ages 3 to 12…

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Eggs laid by head lice can attach to human hair for 10,000 years

Lice are considered to be one of the oldest parasites in existence. Lice refer to three different types of human parasites. The parasites include head lice, body lice, and crab lice. All three forms of lice have been present since ancient times. The most ancient specimens of nits (lice eggs) are 10,000 years old and…

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Myth: Pesticide Must Be Used to Kill Them

The truth: Several pesticide-based treatments are available, either over the counter or by prescription. But these may not always be the best choice. Sometimes called “super lice,” many of the pests in the U.S. and other parts of the world have developed resistance to over-the-counter lice treatments that contain certain pesticides, notably permethrin and pyrethrins.…

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Does your child have to miss school?

The short answer is NO! Our process takes about 90 minutes, we have a 99%+ success rate and we also provide you with a certificate of treatment to bring back to school. So there is no reason for you to miss hours and days from school or work. Most parents do not know we exist…

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